Why You Should Become an Ultrasound Technologist
Published - April 28, 2014
The medical field is experiencing incredible growth. Technology is making things easier for doctors and patients alike, new hospitals and care centers are opening in lightning speed, and millions of jobs are being created. There’s just one small problem: Many of these jobs have no qualified candidates. There are many positions in the medical field that don’t require medical school or a lengthy residency, but still demand a certain level of education and a grasp on advanced technology.
Ultrasound technologists fit into this niche. They’re not doctors or nurses, but are still extremely important in a number of medical processes due to the knowledge and technical expertise they bring. And here’s why you should consider becoming one:
High Job Demand
As an ultrasound technician, you’ll be responsible for administering ultrasounds to patients. Ultrasounds use sound waves that bounce off of the tissues inside the human body and create a sort of X-Ray of what’s happening inside, without the potential risk associated with traditional X-Rays. Ultrasounds are most commonly associated with pregnancy, but are actually invaluable in a number of medical processes.
If you become a certified ultrasound technician you’ll be able to find a job pretty much anywhere – hospitals, doctor’s offices, emergency care — you name it. You’ll need to learn about the human body, but most of your training centers on how to effectively operate the ultrasound machine and how to interpret its results. Whether you’re working in Los Angeles or anywhere else, ultrasound jobs are in demand.
Job Satisfaction
Ultrasound techs are needed for a bevy of rewarding procedures, such as spotting life-threatening abnormalities or helping new parents catch the first glimpse of their new baby. While working as an ultrasound technician can certainly be stressful, many of your experiences with patients will be exceedingly positive.
Becoming an ultrasound technician requires training at a reputable ultrasound technician school and CBD College should be your college of choice! With over 30 years of preparing students for a long and satisfying career, you have chosen the best time with all of the advances in technology and procedure to start you career.
For more information about our Ultrasound Technician program please visit https://www.cbd.edu/sonographyultrasound or contact us at 877.770.4CBD with any questions.