2017 Blood Drive: Red Cross and CBD College
Published - January 19, 2017
Red Cross Partners with CBD College to Save Lives in the 2017 Blood Drive
On Thursday January 26th, CBD College will be hosting 2017 Blood Drive. The drive will take place in the Gen Ed Room on the 4th Floor. The college will be partnering with American Red Cross and taking appointments. From 10 AM-4 PM, students, faculty, staff, and family can come in and give blood.
After health history and mini physicals are completed, each donor gives about a pint of blood. When processing and testing are done, the American Red Cross distributes and ships donations to hospitals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Red cells are used for patients who may need a red cell transfusion if they are anemic, while platelets, which are found in the blood are used on cancer patients as they cannot make their own. Plasma is also used for clotting and is used to control bleeding. Since processed and tested red cell donations only last 42 days, platelets 5 days, and plasma up to a year, it is important for those who can donate to give what they can.
By donating blood, donors can help save up to 3 lives. To make an appointment, contact Jenny Rodriguez or a Medical Assistant Student, or visit redcrossblood.org and enter our sponsor code: CBD College. Those interested in donating can also go to www.redcrossblood.org/donating-blood to learn more about the donation process, the benefits of donating, and additional helpful information. Most of us have blood to spare, but there’s still not enough to go around. Donors ensure that blood is accessible for those in need. So be sure to sign up with Student Affairs this week!